Friday, May 5, 2023



There are trees featured in WHAT IF YOU HAD ANIMAL TEETH!?  and WHAT IF YOU HAD ANIMAL HAIR!? (Scholastic). Can you find them?

For that matter, you couldn't read a printed copy of any of my books if it wasn't for trees. 
If it wasn't for trees, there wouldn't be wood pulp.
If it wasn't for wood pulp, there wouldn't be paper.
If it wasn't for paper, there wouldn't be printed books.

Clearly, trees are very important to me. 

I've only ever written one book that's just about trees--OUTSIDE AND INSIDE TREES.  However, as I looked back through the books I've written, I discovered something very interesting. Trees--sometimes whole forests--are an important part of many of my books.  Check it out.

A tree plays a dramatic role in my book LITTLE LOST BAT (Charlesbridge).

In this story, the mother bat leaves her baby in the bat colony's cave nursery and goes hunting for insects to eat. On night, she passes a tall oak tree. 

Read this story to see what is in that tree.
Keep reading to find out what happens next.

And keep on reading to find out happens at the very end of this story.

Trees are a key part of my story FINDING HOME (Charlesbridge).

First, something happens to a forest to start this story. Read and see WHAT HAPPENS!

Then there is a big search for one kind of tree. Read to find out WHY IS THAT KIND OF TREE KEY?

What tree's fruit is a pod the size of a football, hard as wood on the outside and full of beans surrounded by white pulp?
That tree is featured in this next book. It is REALLY IMPORTANT TO ME! My favorite treat comes from it. WHAT TREE IS IT?

Trees are more than wood. Trees are WONDERFUL!

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